Thursday, 25 September 2008

MCA Selangor on Teresa Kok’s arrest: Lim Kit Siang owes an apology to MCA and people for his misleading accusations...

The MCA Selangor State Liaison Committee today held a press conference reprimanding DAP stalwart YB Lim Kit Siang for simply making misleading allegations against MCA without any truth nor grounds. Hence, he should retract his remarks and is urged to make an apology to MCA and the people.

The real person who made the report earlier was Sdr Kuan Chee Heng, the Special Assistant to the UMNO Sri Serdang State Assemblyman YB Datuk Mohd Satim Diman. Sdr Kuan Chee Heng is not an MCA member.

Another person, Sdr Albert So Meng Chong is alleged to be insolvent. His status was confirmed by the Insolvency Department on 14th April 2008. Sdr Albert So Meng Chong is not an MCA member. The termination of his membership was duly notified to him by the MCA Secretary General YB Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan in accordance with Article 14.1 of the MCA Constitution whereby his MCA membership automatically ceased on 16th April 2008 under the Societies Act 1966. In a press conference held on 22nd September 2008, Sdr Albert So Meng Chong mentioned that he had resigned as Branch Chairman in 2007 and declared that he is no longer an MCA member effective 16th April 2008.

Holding a press conference today, MCA Selangor State Secretary YB Dato’ Lee Sing Chooi revealed that when the MCA President YB Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Ting first heard of the 3 persons detained under the ISA, he had contacted both our Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister within the very first hour. The leadership agreed on the release of Sin Chew reporter Sdri Tan Hoon Cheng, and she was released within 24 hours. This is a wish and aspiration of all in the country.

The MCA Central Committee had also after its meeting held on 16th September 2008, openly urged the authorities concerned to release both YB Teresa Kok and Raja Petra. At the same time, MCA also urged the government to conduct an overall review of the ISA. MCA Selangor State Chairman cum Transport Minister, YB Datuk Ong Tee Keat together with other MCA Ministers had also expressed their stand in the Cabinet meeting on 17th September 2008 that both YB Teresa Kok and Raja Petra should be released and the ISA should be reviewed soonest possible.

Everybody including MCA is happy that YB Teresa Kok has been released. Nevertheless, we are sad to note that YB Lim Kit Siang had after her release erroneously accused MCA for causing her arrest without any proof nor grounds. It is regrettable that YB Lim Kit Siang is none other than obviously playing “politics” to the hilt.

Topmost of the priorities of Malaysians now is to urge the government to abolish or review the ISA. We do not want YB Lim Kit Siang to make any wrongful accusations. Hence, he should retract his remarks and make a public apology to not only the MCA, but to the general public at large as well.

-MCA online-

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Warning to Government to release those who detained under ISA...

Say 'NO' to Internal Security Act (ISA) !

Surprise surprise to hear the news 3 people detained under Internal Security Act (hereinafter referred as ISA) : Sin Chew Reporter, Raja Petra and Terrasa Kwok and not the Ahmad Ismail, the racist as well as extremist who don't have the qualification at all to receive the Knighted of 'Datuk'?! Ahmad Ismail warned the Chinesen not to be like Jews in America, conquered the economy in Malaysia yet want to conquer the Politic in Malaysia! Who is the one who really provoke the relationship between th Malaysians?! Between Chinese, Malays and Indians? who is the one who playing the political issues yet don't want to admit what he said, his act is wrong?!

Sin Chew Reporter is innocent, because of she got the responsibilities to report a new, a current affair based on fact yet to be arrested and detained under ISA, i would like to say the government is blind! Disregard of the Human Rights! Disregard of the fairness and justice! Such government should be replaced.. Ahmad Ismail, saying something which were seditious, doing something unreasonable would never be detained, why should an innocent reporter be detained under ISA? Is Chinese really conquer the economy in Malaysia today?! Most of them are just running the small businesses, the statement is not compatible and not correct to say in this moment! Most of the big companies, multinational companies owned by the government nowadays like UEM, Petronas etc etc but not the Chinese in Malaysia.. Ahmad's statement will just provoke against the relationship between the Malaysian! Why Chinese not to be act like Jews?! Wanna to terminate all of the Chinese in Malaysia?! The statement not seditious? What a joke?! And why Chinese don't have the rights to involve in Politic?! Chinese got taken part in strike, fighting for the independent of Malaysia, if not until today Malaysia still under the British Colonial! We spoil our blood on this land, we fight, sacrifice when the Japan trying to conquer this country, acted cruelly to our brothers and sisters no matter Chinese, Indians and Malays at that time, we are 'penumpang' at that time? Even before the Malaysia was grated independent, we are rakyat tanah melayu! Not 'Penumpang'!

I am very pleased to warn the government, the Minister Syed Hamid (UMNO Minister) and the Police Officers to releas the Sin Chew Reporter, Terresa Kwok immediately and as soon as possible.. Why Terresa Kwok detained under ISA?! Opposition leaders doing nothing wrong recently, saying nothing wrong recently and i can't find any reason police and the governmnet got the rights to detain her under ISA.. While the Arrest, Police use the violence against a female?! Police = Terrorist! How the people can tolerent all these?! Please release both of them otherwise bear the consequences!

ISA is not law at all and cannot declared itself as law as it is violated to the Malaysian Federal Constitution and viewed as the rule by law of the government to protect the government own favour.. According to Art 10 Malaysian Constitution, every citizens got the freedom of speech , assembly and association.. Something which is not Rule of Law but the Rule by Law, the court should have the power, the judicial power under Art. 121 Malaysian Federal Constitution to challenge ISA as unconstitutional as it's violated the Highest Law of the Land, the fundamental human rights, i.e. freedom of speech and expression as stated in Art. 10(1) Malaysian Federal Constitution! Enough the Judiciary controlled and dominated by the Executive all along, now times to make sure Independent of the judiciary!

Hey, Government! Wanna to try Bar March to Putrajaya one more time?! Don't try to play play with the Judiciary component and simply detained the innocents under something which is not law at all (namely ISA), disregard of the judges, lawyers, people etc etc.. If still not going to release those who detained under ISA: the reporter, Opposition MP ~ Terressa Kwok, the Hindraf leaders, I believe another Bar March will launch! The Bar March this time will be participated by the Judges, Lawyers, Law Students, Opposition leaders, commons as well as the BN component parties leaders who not follow the anarchy government blindfully!

MCA ~ Malaysian Chinese Association who represented the Chinese in Malaysia?! Where are you?! This time our maruah bangsa is challenged by the governmnet itself and 2 innocent Chinese : Terressa Kwok and Sin Chew reporter detained under ISA without doing anything wrong! Mempertahankan Maruah bangsa bukan dengan menekankan bangsa lain.. Enough all of the unfair system and inhuman treatment to the innocent! Why Ahmad Ismail, the extremist and racist who is the one provoke our relationship not detained under ISA while the innocent? I would to say the Government is racism, racial discrimination and GATAL! There is no transparency, no fairness, no justice what the government is done! MCA, you are part of the government! Make sure you do something to pressure government in order to release our 2 sisters : Terressa Kwok and Sin chew reporter! Make sure you really do something.. otherwise, jagalah MCA! The Chinese won't forgive you and i believe most of the Malaysian won't forgive you as well!

UMNO, listen! This country is belong to the people, belong to all of the Malaysians and is not dominated by you.. Don't try to practise the anarchism! Don't forget we still got the judiciary, still got the opposition and the main power ~ People POWER! At the end of the day, you are still subject to the electorate.. Don't ever think to be the Tyrant of the country! The consequences of tyrant at the end.. one consequence: Eliminated!

-Sit Jie Hao-
MCA Jelutong Divisional Youth Vice-Chairman

Tuesday, 9 September 2008


此告摘自:《光明日报》要闻A15 200899日(星期二)